Saturday, January 28, 2006
Healing CD - The BIG PICTURE
I wanted to do a CD Rom just like this back in 1989.
I may not agree with EVERYTHING this CD contains (as some dis-eases are genetic, karmic, etc) and healing is about getting right with ourselves and our Higher Power, not necessarily being "cured". Everyone is DIFFERENT. That said,
if this CD has 25% of what it purports to have, this is a STEAL. The picture didn't load, but I'll try to get it in next time!
I AM also collaborating with the South African woman Inca Vtipil to assist her with developing a website to present her “Healing Guide – The Big Picture” CD-ROM, and various related matters. The following is the descriptive informatiom from Inca:
Electronic book with 1294 topics and 4200 inter-links
800 Meg information
19 Original music compositions
Numerous beautiful illustrated Spirit soothing graphic images
Windows 95/98/2000/XP/NT Operating System
Available on CD-ROM
Why you should get this material:
You save hundreds on purchasing countless books - this book contains all the information you ever wanted.
Self-diagnostic techniques - means to take back your power and heal yourself.
Symptom sorter A-Z gives you immediate natural alternatives to treat yourself and your loved ones.
Understand what each vitamin / mineral /tissue salt / Bach remedy is used for.
Understand yourself, your emotions, feelings and how it affects your health.
Save money on workshops as you have the music and the guidance to conduct your own workshop in your own space and time.
The main objective of this material is to assist the user in taking back his/her power and responsibility for his/her own health.
· The first electronic book ever published connecting all substantial information for healing the body, mind and soul.
· Become your own healer with tried and tested tips, remedies and healing methods provided.
· Understand that symptoms are the body’s way of communication.
· Diagnose yourself by tuning into your body’s innate intelligence.
· How the physical and subtle bodies work together.
· The dangers of MSG and anti-nutrients.
· Nutritional supplements; vitamins, minerals, herbal remedies, Bach remedies, tissue salts.
This book was especially compiled in electronic format to guide the user with ‘inter-links’ towards the ‘bigger picture’ of understanding how everything is connected and works together.
By following the links you understand your unique health problem and are guided in various ways to find a remedy, whether it is a nutritional shortage or an emotional/energy block.
Years of intensive research and successful application was the motivation behind “Healing Guide – The Big Picture”:
· No illness can be generalized, as each person’s health problem is unique.
· What works for one person may not work for another.
· Requirement for nutritional supplements varies for each individual.
· Thought patterns together with food creates the physical body.
· We must step away from the concept of ‘one pill cures all’.
After studying and researching various healing modalities, and every time thinking I found the better method, I learned that the true answer is a combination of everything:
No pill or surgery can cure a problem that is emotional, mental or stress related, as we are looking at stagnated energy that must be released. If an energy block is not released, you can undergo surgery, but the problem will only re-manifest in a different part of the body.
The same applies to a physical problem. Where the body cells are contaminated with acids and the body became nutritionally depleted, the problem must be treated on the same level by changing the diet, detoxifying the body and provide it with the required nutrition.
We must understand that we are multi-dimensional beings. We resonate on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Any illness must also be treated on those levels.
For ultimate health we must look at all parts of our being:
· We must change our attitude and step away from the ‘fast food syndrome’.
· Poor nutrition produces a toxic body that results in physical illness as well as emotional outbursts, self-condemnation, anger, etc.
· This in return produce negative thought patterns as our thoughts become toxic.
· pH Balance: Over-acidity can become a dangerous condition that weakens all body systems.
· A healthy body maintains adequate alkaline reserves to meet emergency demands.
· When excess acids must be neutralized our alkaline reserves are depleted leaving the body in a weakened condition.
Emotional and Mental:
· Emotions, stress, fear and self-pity are the most destructive force on the physical body.
· Thought patterns that are negative results in negative behavior patterns.
· We can change these behavior patterns by changing our way of thinking.
· We are responsible for our emotions and can control it, as you first have to ‘think’ something before it can manifest as an emotion.
· By changing our negative thought patterns, we become masters of our emotions.
Belief Systems
· When we were small we were told what to believe.
· Due to our parents’ own fears, insecurities and beliefs, we ended up with a poor self- image and in some cases self-destructive behavior patterns developed.
· As we grow older, we are no longer ‘taught’ what to think.
· Any change we wish to manifest within ourselves is possible, as we are now in control of our own thought processes.
· No one is to blame but ourselves for being stuck in negative behavior patterns. We are the masters of our own destiny – the ‘future you and me’ is created by what we eat, how we think, how we respond, act and react towards daily challenges that come our way.
The ‘Healing Guide’ further offers:
· What creates a sick society.
· Understand the dangers of MSG and anti-nutrients.
· Understand that symptoms are the body’s way of communication.
· Self-diagnosis techniques. The user is guided with various links for a better understanding of physical, mental and emotional health.
· Symptom sorter A-Z
· Assist the user in avoiding allergies and toxicity by obtaining a health pH balance.
· Various healing modalities are discussed.
· Researched benefits of vitamins, minerals, tissue salts, Bach remedies, herbal remedies, etc. are included in detail. The Information is based on researched information of experts and brought together with inter-links, proving how everything works together and compliment one another.
· According to your zodiac sign, understand yourself and your health problems.
· Mantra and meditation workshop with original music especially composed to use with the exercises provided in this book.
For the more esoteric inclined user:
The affect of the planets on our physical and emotional well-being is discussed.
As the moon is responsible for the tides of the ocean, so we are affected as our bodies consist out of more than 80% water. The old alchemist ‘Hippocrates’ put emphasis on the importance of the position of the planets when undergoing surgery. We have forgotten these old wisdoms and are paying the price for our ignorance.
This book is a giveaway at R299-00. *
Why so cheap?
My aim is to get this material to every household - to the general public.
I've seen out of experience how people run from doctor to healer to doctor, etc. not knowing that the answer to optimum health is in each one of us.
My book is based on self-empowerment for each and every individual.
It is my way of helping people to help themselves.
Look what the world looks like.
Time has come for all of us to stand together and share our knowledge and power.
For more information:
Contact Inca at
To order a limited first edition CD-Rom:
Write to me at
Total price: R299 excl p&p (South African Rand)
299.00 ZARSouth Africa Rand
48.7990 USDUnited States Dollars
1 ZAR = 0.163207 USD
1 USD = 6.12718 ZAR
Friday, January 27, 2006
Sacred Illness
stripped to the bone so presence can shine, so that one can begin
to rely on its intelligence. For myself, the path that led to
initiation was curiously direct. The unrest following the Rodney
King verdict in 1992 led me to ask hard questions about racism
and interracial reconciliation. I began exploring the dreams
blacks and whites have about one another and was intrigued to
note that African-Americans carried the same core images of
whites that Bantu people have borne since the Portuguese arrived
in Central Africa in the late 17th Century. Further studies
showed me how important the water spirit tradition was among
those who were taken as slaves. Eventually I went to Africa to
talk to a native dream teller about the patterns I was seeing.
Augustine Kandemwa, a healer who works with the water spirits,
understood my intent from our first meeting in 1996. A child of
apartheid Rhodesia, my questions touched his own longings. "The
water spirits are peacemakers," he explained. That very night he
began my first initiation into the way of the ancestors.
Stripped them to the bone and stripped again and again: My
apprenticeship continues.
Much of my training the past few years has involved
assisting Augustine in the healing of sacred illness -- those
diseases caused by the ancestors themselves so that the afflicted
might be a vehicle for spirit's efforts to serve the living. A
young healer such as myself had to learn how to bridge the world
of the invisibles with the village, for only the invisibles are
able to heal sacred illness and their way is initiation.
At first one might think nothing could be further from
the ambience of a modern American hospital than a little African
community wrestling with spirits, but once I started seeing UCLA
Medical Center as a village, the differences became less and less
An anthropological oddity I face whenever I return to
work is that in Western medicine, doctors and patients
live indistinctly different cultures. Matters of the sacred haven't
been a medical concern in the West since the Renaissance, but the
majority of my patients and their families see healing as
intrinsically tied up with spirit. I don't expect "sacred
disease" to enter into the Western lexicon any time soon, but
there is no doubt that for many the ordeal of illness and the
possibility of healing call up the deepest questions of faith. I
see the hospital as a hive of initiatory dramas that I meet as
well as I can.
A few milligrams of morphine sulfate to take the edge
off the pain; a little conversation to take the edge off the
fear; coffee for sister, or father at the bedside -- these
ritual acts in a different key are familiar from Africa:
circling the sacred grove to protect the heart of vulnerability
in which the soul is transformed. Sometimes I'm asked to pray,
sometimes merely pose the pregnant questions. "How do you make
sense out of all this?" or "You've been through hell. What is it
that sustains you?"
This last question is almost always answered in the
same way: "My faith keeps me going," and "My kin or community
hold me up." If I had to name the essence of the rite of
initiation that happens in a thousand ways in the hospital, it's
about being undone by fate and reimagining one's life within a
web of human interconnection which is in turn sustained by an
unseen source. Again, this is familiar from Africa -- but
Americans bring their own wild poetry to it.
Mike DePonce, for example. At 29, Mike was diagnosed
with a rare form of bone cancer. Months of chemotherapy and
radiation, bleeding gums, nausea, unit after unit of blood, the
loss of a third of his femur, he and his wife Sheba finally
entered that mysterious country called "remission" where they
lingered for two years.
There is something unsinkable about Mike and Sheba
which I can only describe as the appetite of life for life. Together for only nine months before Mike's diagnosis, when I askwhat keeps them going, it seems to boil down to loving each other
passionately, wanting to bring a child into the world, faith,
prayer and a rather astonishing community of support.
Mike is a firefighter by profession. He explained,"When there's
a problem, firefighters just go in and fix it. But
when I got sick, it's the first time nobody knew what to do. My
hair was all gone from chemotherapy, and a buddy came up with an
idea for a fundraiser -- The Great American Shave Off. For a
$20.00 donation, folks had their heads shaved. They also sold
baseball caps with my badge number on them.
Guys on duty would drive up in the truck, jump off and in
five minutes drive away bald."
Firefighters, some of their sons, friends from high school --
all together about 170 bald heads became a public event
on the streets of Santa Barbara. In addition, for well over a
year, Mike's buddies have been working his shifts, protecting his
medical benefits.
I confess I've known Sheba since she was a girl. A
"daughter-once-removed," I've watched her become a woman of great
presence and integrity. When things get dark, the prayer she has
come to rely on is, "Teach me what I need to know."
"What we are going through is so life changing. The
prayer is not about a cure exactly. Of course we want that. But
the prayer is deeper. It's about faith, about listening, paying
attention to what God might want."
There are very few tribal rites that equal the
intensity and risk of a bone marrow transplant -- the
obliteration of the immune system and the razing of the body's
capacity to produce its own red blood cells -- and then, the
regeneration of this fluid world that makes life possible. Many
don't survive. When I heard that Mike and Sheba had made the
choice, I knew we were at the threshold of what Augustine calls
"proper initiation."
Every night at work I would gaze stolidly at the
computer, watching Mike's lab values crumble as intended. When
his already low white blood cell count dropped to a twentieth of
what it had been the previous morning, he was in danger. I knew
it was time to sing.
The threshold songs are songs of support and
protection, the invisibles in a circle around the bed. They are
also songs that the spirits might reveal what God intends so the
soul is fed by the mysteries. Mike had been asleep much of the
day, but when I sang, he roused, soft and lucid. I took a drop
of blood from Sheba's finger, mixed it in water with Mike's fever
sweat and called the ancestors -- a traditional offering in a
styrofoam cup. I called also the spirit of fire to this man who
knows something of fire. An incomparable ally, that one, a
fierce warrior. Finally Mike and Sheba cast the oracle to
discern the path through: challenging but ultimately benevolent.
When the clock said 7:00, I saw I must step back into time. Down
the hall, my night shift was starting.
As Mike prepared for his bone marrow transplant, his
community once again came to the fore, eagerly donating more than
enough blood and platelets to carry Mike through his descent. At
this writing I leave an orange, a little honey, sweet wild lilac
at a creek and sing her a song on Mike's behalf. The blood of
Mike's community will soon be his life's blood. Such is the
mystery that his life has delivered him to.
In traditional societies initiation is never a private
matter: It renews the culture itself. When Sheba quoted a poem
by one of Mike's friends, "Stand together we stand tall/We will
not let a brother fall," I hear the vigor of a loving community
but also an echo of the Yoruba proverb: "If we stand tall, it is
because we stand on the shoulders of many ancestors." And I
imagine the young men fresh from the forest, their heads shaved
and the ritual white clay washed from their bodies. They have
returned to the village, these ones, and now they are men and
greeted with drumming and song. The elders smile because they
know the world will continue.
All proceeds from the publication of this essay go to the Nganga Project.
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Michael Ortiz Hill is a registered nurse and tribal healer among the Bantu people in South Central Africa. His books include Gathering in the Names
(Co-authored with Augustine Kandemwa), Spring Audio and Journal, 2003,
and the soon to be reissued Dreaming the End of the World
(Spring Publications, 2004).
Both are available at
Read more about Michael’s work and writings at
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
I believe the most important thing human beings can learn about
themselves is...
1. All of creation is ENERGY in one form or another, including yourself;
2. Your every thought, word, and action uses ENERGY for positive or
negative effect, not only on yourself, but all of creation.
Be careful how you use ENERGY!
Goodwill to you,
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Things to THINK About/Love them Pharmaceutical Cos.
23 January 2006 news service
Helen Phillips
WHAT if there was a drug that helped you do your job better, and your boss was pressuring you to take it, even though it could be bad for your health? There are already drugs that can boost memory or alertness, but whose long-term effects are unknown. Or what if scientists could tell what you were thinking or planning to do before you knew it yourself? Brain scans can now do this. Should these drugs and procedures be regulated - or permitted at all?
That is the inspiration for the "Meeting of minds" project, a brainchild of Belgian organisation the King Baudouin Foundation. For the past two years, a citizens' panel of 126 Europeans from different age groups and backgrounds has been considering the ethical dilemmas emerging from brain science research. This weekend they are meeting in the Belgian capital, Brussels, to finalise their recommendations before presenting them to the European Parliament on 23 January (see "Causes for concern").
"This is something new that we have to deal with from a legislative and social point of view," says Axel Cleeremans, director of the cognitive science research unit at the Free University of Brussels (ULB), who is taking part in this weekend's discussion. Just this week, researchers at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney, Australia, revealed the possibility of a genetic test that could predict whether or not someone was likely to develop bipolar disorder (Molecular Psychiatry, DOI: 10.1038/sj.mp4001784), while researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, suggest that injecting immune cells into the brain might slow cognitive decline in old age (Nature Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1038/nn1629).
"We are already performing the equivalent of plastic surgery on the brain," says Cleeremans, through processes such as deep brain stimulation, which is used to treat Parkinson's but can also have an effect on mood and behaviour.
There are big questions to be answered, Cleeremans says: do we really want cognitive enhancement via surgery or medication, and if so how do we regulate it? It is already possible to detect a person's intention or perceptions regardless of whether they are aware of them, and even if they try to cover them up. How will we deal with issues such as privacy and responsibility?
Panel member Sue Burne, a freelance artist from the UK, says some of the most interesting debates have focused on the issue of what it is to be normal: working out where creativity or eccentricity end and illness begins. Another tricky issue is the increasing level of brain disease, including dementia, depression and some brain cancers, which will affect our ageing population. "We are quite happy for many of the wonderful advances," she says.
"The issues were more about fair distribution and access to information." Steven Rose, a neuroscientist from the UK's Open University and an adviser to the project, says the discussions and some of the recommendations put forward by the citizens' panel have been useful. "While some of the recommendations are statements of hope and apple pie, some are more specific and useful. If we have a set of principles, they should be helpful to policy-makers."
Causes for concern
The "Meeting of minds" panel has highlighted several areas that politicians need to pay attention to:
Policy and regulation: Funding fundamental research.
Strengthening patients' rights and the role of citizens in policy and regulation.
Normalcy versus diversity: Discussing the divide between normal and pathological personalities. Dealing with the possibilities of brain enhancement.
Economic pressures: Encouraging research with a low potential for profit. Promoting alternatives to medical treatment.
Access to treatment: Recognising the future burden of brain disease and mental health.
Freedom of choice: Making informed choice and consent possible.
Sunday, January 22, 2006

Subject: *~Spiritually Speaking~*
Is it a mystery or is it a simple known reality that you are a pulsating
movement of creative energy as a soul? It should not be a mystery, for
the flow of consciousness, the flow of energy that is motivating and
moving your every thought, word, and action is evidence enough
of the flow of creative energy that is coursing through your embodied state
emanating from deep within, within the core consciousness of who you are
as a soul. So it is really not a mystery; it is a reality of yourexistence.
Knowing the truth of who you are is then translated into being the truth
of who you are. Part of knowing that truth is recognizing that the
source of all creation is pure Love. The energy that moves Love into
the pathway of created intention is Light. And the resultant activity
that takes on form and substance throughout the omni-dimensional
existence of which you are a part, is Life. Love, Light, and Life, the
eternal trinity of creation.
As you move in and through your three-dimensional existence, there is
evidence of this creative energy all around you, is there not? Look at
the infinite variety of patterns of form and substance that have been
created through willful intention of applying the energy of Love andLight.
As you know this to be true and you know that that is the reality of who
you are, you then are aware of every movement of creative energy
emanating from within. You know that every thought is a creative
pattern going out. Every word is a formulated, created statement that
has an intention and a motivation behind it. And you know that every
action that is then the result is creating a pattern within the life
structure of three-dimensional existence. You see, it is not a
mystery. It is the absolute and eternal reality of every moment ofexistence.
Consider the movement of energy in and through your physical
embodiment. You feel that energy as the circulation of the body fluids
move in and through every cell of your physical embodiment. You know
that within every aspect of your physical embodiment is contained the
consciousness that has created this physical embodiment. You know that
the Love of creation, the Light energy of the creative force being made
manifest is moving in and through and sustaining the Life energy of the
embodiment. It is the consciousness of this movement of Life energy
that animates and sustains and utilizes then the embodiment for the
purpose of participating in and experiencing the created environment.
There is a time in the cycle of the life pattern that the body is no
longer needed and the consciousness that is the soul moves on. It is a
very natural and continuous process. Consciousness moves into
embodiment. It experiences and creates while embodied, and then moves
on. It is not a mystery. It is not really a pattern that is any
different from any other pattern of creation moving in and through the
created experience, and then moving on.
So knowing this to be so creates an opportunity for understanding and
for consciously applying the Truth of who you truly are as the Love and
Light of creation, applying this truth within every moment of your
existence. It can be done in a myriad of way. While you are sitting
quietly in meditation, a creative process is moving. There is the
focusing of attention, the refinement of intention, and the movement of
motivation toward fulfilling the destiny path that has been chosen for
this embodiment.
While walking and moving through the created environment, within every
moment, there is the opportunity for sharing, for being, for exhibiting,
for creating within the context of the consciousness of the creative
energy that you are as the Love and Light of the creative impulse.
There is one aspect of this creative pattern that is most profound and
most helpful in assisting others in discovering the same inner infinite
truth and reality. This pattern is in what has been called the laying
on of hands. When you consider the flow of energy, there is indeed a
radiance that moves out from the center of the physical embodiment. It
moves out through the area of the heart and penetrates and absorbs all
within its environment. The energy flows out through the hands, through
the palm, through the fingertips, and there is a connection that takes
place. It's like plugging into an electrical circuit and the light is
seen and felt.
So the laying on of hands is a very real and concrete example of the
flow of creative energy, the flow of the unifying energy of creation.
For when there is this connection then with another embodied soul, the
same energy then is drawn forth from the consciousness, from the core
experience of the other embodied soul. It is like completing the loop,
completing the circle, calling forth that which is resident but perhaps
not consciously known or understood. As there is a resonance then of
the Love and Light of the creative pattern that is called forth and is
brought into synchronization and into alignment, there is then what is
called the healing process. Healing is the process of becoming whole,
becoming one with that which is the inner truth of who you are as a
soul. Healing is coming into alignment with that Truth, with the truth
of being Love, of being Light. That is the process of the laying on of

So as you move through your embodied experience, remember always who you
are and let that Truth resonate and radiate from wherever you find the
next step being taken. If there is ever a moment of diversion, simply
stop, close your eyes, go within, and simply remind the outer mental
capacities and emotions that I AM the Love and Light of creation. I AM
manifesting Life. Then move into the current activity radiating that
truth, being that truth.
Is it a mystery or is it a simple known reality that you are a pulsating
movement of creative energy as a soul? It should not be a mystery, for
the flow of consciousness, the flow of energy that is motivating and
moving your every thought, word, and action is evidence enough of the
flow of creative energy that is coursing through your embodied state
emanating from deep within, within the core consciousness of who you are
as a soul. So it is really not a mystery; it is a reality of yourexistence.
Knowing the truth of who you are is then translated into being the truth
of who you are. Part of knowing that truth is recognizing that the
source of all creation is pure Love. The energy that moves Love into
the pathway of created intention is Light. And the resultant activity
that takes on form and substance throughout the omni-dimensional
existence of which you are a part, is Life. Love, Light, and Life, the
eternal trinity of creation.
As you move in and through your three-dimensional existence, there is
evidence of this creative energy all around you, is there not? Look at
the infinite variety of patterns of form and substance that have been
created through willful intention of applying the energy of Love andLight.
As you know this to be true and you know that that is the reality of who
you are, you then are aware of every movement of creative energy
emanating from within. You know that every thought is a creative
pattern going out. Every word is a formulated, created statement that
has an intention and a motivation behind it. And you know that every
action that is then the result is creating a pattern within the life
structure of three-dimensional existence. You see, it is not a
mystery. It is the absolute and eternal reality of every moment of
existence. Consider the movement of energy in and through your physical
embodiment. You feel that energy as the circulation of the body fluids
move in and through every cell of your physical embodiment. You know
that within every aspect of your physical embodiment is contained the
consciousness that has created this physical embodiment. You know that
the Love of creation, the Light energy of the creative force being made
manifest is moving in and through and sustaining the Life energy of the
embodiment. It is the consciousness of this movement of Life energy
that animates and sustains and utilizes then the embodiment for the
purpose of participating in and experiencing the created environment.
There is a time in the cycle of the life pattern that the body is no
longer needed and the consciousness that is the soul moves on. It is a
very natural and continuous process. Consciousness moves into
embodiment. It experiences and creates while embodied, and then moves
on. It is not a mystery. It is not really a pattern that is any
different from any other pattern of creation moving in and through the
created experience, and then moving on.
So knowing this to be so creates an opportunity for understanding and
for consciously applying the Truth of who you truly are as the Love and
Light of creation, applying this truth within every moment of your
existence. It can be done in a myriad of way. While you are sitting
quietly in meditation, a creative process is moving. There is the
focusing of attention, the refinement of intention, and the movement of
motivation toward fulfilling the destiny path that has been chosen for
this embodiment.
While walking and moving through the created environment, within every
moment, there is the opportunity for sharing, for being, for exhibiting,
for creating within the context of the consciousness of the creative
energy that you are as the Love and Light of the creative impulse.
There is one aspect of this creative pattern that is most profound and
most helpful in assisting others in discovering the same inner infinite
truth and reality. This pattern is in what has been called the laying
on of hands. When you consider the flow of energy, there is indeed a
radiance that moves out from the center of the physical embodiment. It
moves out through the area of the heart and penetrates and absorbs all
within its environment. The energy flows out through the hands, through
the palm, through the fingertips, and there is a connection that takes
place. It's like plugging into an electrical circuit and the light is
seen and felt.
So the laying on of hands is a very real and concrete example of the
flow of creative energy, the flow of the unifying energy of creation.
For when there is this connection then with another embodied soul, the
same energy then is drawn forth from the consciousness, from the core
experience of the other embodied soul. It is like completing the loop,
completing the circle, calling forth that which is resident but perhaps
not consciously known or understood. As there is a resonance then of
the Love and Light of the creative pattern that is called forth and is
brought into synchronization and into alignment, there is then what is
called the healing process. Healing is the process of becoming whole,
becoming one with that which is the inner truth of who you are as a
soul. Healing is coming into alignment with that Truth, with the truth
of being Love, of being Light. That is the process of the laying on of
So as you move through your embodied experience, remember always who you
are and let that Truth resonate and radiate from wherever you find the
next step being taken. If there is ever a moment of diversion, simply
stop, close your eyes, go within, and simply remind the outer mental
capacities and emotions that I AM the Love and Light of creation. I AM
manifesting Life. Then move into the current activity radiating that
truth, being that truth.
~ Author Unknown but appreciated ~
please include a link back to SS in forwarded material
thank you kindly
From Spiritually Speaking
*Please Practice a Random Act Of Kindness today :)
¸,.·´¯`·.»§« Practice a Random Act of Kindness »§«.·´¯`·.,¸
(C) : )
Friday, January 20, 2006
I never heard such a number attributed to laughing,
but more is better, apparently.
could laugh your way to most anything.
there's Physician, who healed himself of Cancer,
through a program of Comedy videos and recordings,
great Rx, eh??
definitely include Bobcat Goldthwait,
in a manic raving fit;
Father Guido Sarducci;
Bill Maher;
Dennis Miller, ..pre neo-con fool phase in a rant;
just for a few guys.
tho' Brett Butler, Ellen Degeneres,
Margaret Cho,
insist on jumping my mind right now.
Peace, Propserity, LAUGHTER in ABundance
& LOVE of the ONE,
Laughter Saves You 30% on Medical Expenses
It's been said laughter is the best medicine, but no one has yet to prove it. Now a Japanese scientist is unlocking the secrets of the funny bone, which he believes can cheer up people's genes.
Geneticist Kazuo Murakami has teamed up on the study with an unlikely research partner: stand-up comedians, who he hopes - no joke - can turn their one-liners into efficient, low-cost medical treatment.
Genes are usually regarded as immutable, but in reality more than 90 percent of them are dormant or less active in producing protein, so some types of stimulation can wake them up.
Murakami's tentative theory is that laughter is one such stimulant, which can trigger energy inside a person's DNA potentially helping cure disease.
"If we prove people can switch genes on and off by an emotion like laughter, it may be the finding of the century which should be worth the Nobel Prize or even go beyond that," said Murakami, 70, director of Japan's Foundation for Advancement of International Science.
Three years ago, Murakami and Yoshimoto Kogyo Co. Ltd., a leading entertainment company, jointly carried out their first experiment to let diabetics laugh at a comedy show performed by the firm's top stand-up comedians after listening to a monotonous college lecture.
The two-day experiment showed that their blood glucose levels - a key gauge for development of diabetes - became lower after they laughed compared with after listening to the yawning lecture.
His latest experiment with the entertainment firm spotted at least 23 genes that can be activated. Eighteen of them are designed to work for immune response, signal transduction and cell cycle, while functions of the remaining five others are still unknown.
The findings, which Murakami says are the first of their kind, are scheduled to be published in January by Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, a US academic journal.
"A laughing therapy has no side-effect, meaning it is an epoch-making treatment for clinical medicine," he said. "One day it won't be a joke to see patients receive a prescription for a comedy video at a pharmacy for medical treatment."
Having a good laugh has long been thought of as therapeutic. Laughter has been taught by yoga masters in India, home to a growing number of "laughing clubs" whose members get together just to enjoy a chuckle.
Expectations from Murakami's research are particularly high in Japan, where medicare costs are increasing year after year as the country rapidly ages.
Even with the research still in its early stages, a Japanese medical publisher, under the editorial guidance of Murakami's research team, began selling DVDs last year instructing patients with diabetes on how to laugh.The ministry of economy, trade and industry believes that laughter therapy could be put to good use in a project as demand grows for preventive medical care.
"If the relation between laughter and health is proved scientifically, it may have a big impact on ways to improve health," said Hikaru Horiguchi, an official of the ministry.
"We also hope that a new type of industry will be created by linking the two different fields - laughter and medical treatment," Horiguchi said.
With the ministry's financial support, Osaka Sangyo University in western Japan formed a joint venture with researchers, firms and doctors in 2004 to provide elderly people with a complete medical care program combining physical training and laughter therapy.
"It was the nation's first attempt to launch a medicare business with laughter in collaboration with the government, industry and academe," said Mitsutoshi Nishikawa, a university official in charge of the "Daito Dynamic Project" based in Daito city in Osaka.
Nishikawa said Osaka was an ideal location to launch the project as the city is famous for its humor culture, with residents here said to be less hesitant to laugh in public than more taciturn Tokyo.
"We believe there is a big business chance here," Nishikawa said.
"With the project, we can expect a reduction in medicare and nursing costs," he said. "Moreover, it is important for elderly people to live long with good health."
In the program, participants receive a medical check-up and gymnastic exercises while enjoying a comedy show performed by professional comedians. It also offers them cooking classes on making healthy foods.
"I used to laugh a lot when I was young, but I realized that I had not laughed much since getting older," said Kiyomi Yamanaka, a 61-year-old housewife participating in the program.
"But after attending the event, my blood flow has become smooth and I can now get down on my knees, which I couldn't do before."
According to project officials, the 92 participants polled said their combined annual medicare costs fell some 30 percent to 2.26 million yen (19,800 dollars) after they joined the program.
Nishikawa said: "In the future, we want to make medical treatment something not gloomy but fun. That's our goal."
Laughter Meditation: How to Feel Great Every Day for the Rest of Your Life...
A Laugh A Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Beat Stress With Laughter
More headlines at the Mind Power News & Article Library
"Business should be fun. Without fun, people are left wearing emotional raincoats most of their working lives. Building fun into business is vital; it brings life into our daily living"- Michael Phillips
Immunity to antibiotics
THURSDAY, Jan. 19 (HealthDay News) --
Pluck a microbe out of the ground, and it's likely to be resistant to most antibiotics, a new Canadian study finds. Researchers at McMaster University screened 480 strains of bacteria they took from soil and tested them against 21 different antibiotics. Every bacterium was resistant to a number of antibiotics, an average of seven or more, according to the report in the Jan. 20 issue of Science.
"The density of resistance is surprising," said Gerard D. Wright, chairman of biochemistry and biomedical sciences at the university's Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine. "Old compounds, new compounds, it doesn't seem to matter. They have all sorts of ways to get around these things."
That resistance doesn't come from exposure to antibiotics used in medical treatment, Wright noted. It's just the bacteria's way of surviving in a world full of perils, he explained, since they are surrounded by competing organisms that produce their own natural antibiotics. "This is giving us a glimpse into very complex organisms that have been living for millions of years," Wright said. "They have evolved a really complicated set of strategies that allow them to deal with all sorts of threats, old threats and new threats."
While overuse or just plain use of medical antibiotics is known to increase the incidence of resistance, this study suggests that natural resistance happens without exposure to those drugs, he said. "We got bacteria from a number of sources -- urban environments, agricultural environments, the woods in northern Ontario that has not seen any use of human antibiotics -- and the level of resistance was the same," Wright said.
Most of the genetic mechanisms of resistance seen in the study were already known, but a few new ones showed up, he said. The researchers now are doing more detailed research into the mechanisms by which bacterial alter their genetic function to fight antibiotics. The study has two practical applications, Wright said. "One is to alert clinicians and medical biologists to new methods of resistance than can emerge in the clinic," he said. "And for people who make antibiotics, this should give them a heads-up about methods of resistance they may not see in the clinic today, but may see tomorrow. Clever chemistry might delay resistance being a problem,"
But there is no way to prevent antibiotic resistance occurring, because the strategies built up over millennia can't be dodged completely, Wright said. He noted the researchers found bacteria resistant to telithromycin, one of the newest antibiotics on the market.
"This will just help delay and inform about resistance," Wright said. "It gives people more ammunition to fight it."
The finding could also help refine strategies for finding new antibiotics, said Dr. Stuart B. Levy, a professor of medicine at Tufts University Medical School, and president of the Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics.
A close look at the study shows that many microbes defend themselves by producing enzymes that break down antibiotics, said Levy, who is also the author of The Antibiotic Paradox. "We may not be finding new antibiotics when we go to the soil to look for them because we don't take into account that they are being destroyed," he said. "We may need new techniques to isolate new antibiotics. Maybe we can do a better job finding them by knowing this."
More information Antibiotic resistance is explained by the Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics.
Carol Ann

Special Report by Grahame Whitehead of The Living Water Workshop
updated 21 September 2002
Inside information on Innovations in Healing with Living Water, Implosion Research, BioScience and Technology
(Editors Note: The discovery of antibiotics and their introduction into medical practice was hailed as one of the most important events in the struggle against human and animal infectious diseases. The Pharmaceutical company driven antibiotic era began in earnest in the early 1940s, penicillin being the first antibiotic introduced into clinical practice. Discovery after discovery by the competing pill pushers then followed and optimism ran high as a vast new worldwide market was suddenly created.
Since that premature, overconfident assertion there has been a powerful resurgence of infectious diseases, beginning in the late 1970s; the single most threatening component of which has been the appearance of disease causing bacteria which have become resistant to Pharmaceutical Antibiotics.
These bacteria have now clearly demonstrated their capacity to develop sophisticated mechanisms of resistance against every type of synthetic antibiotic produced thus far. What’s more, according to Dr Alexander Tomasz, “these resistance mechanisms can find their way from one bacterium (fluke, worm or parasite) to another through a variety of efficient microbial gene transfer mechanisms. Bacteria, flukes, worms and parasites resistant to most pharmaceutical drugs can also travel inside people and animals over large geographic distances or worldwide in water supplies such as the increased incidences of infected domestic drinking water to hit the headlines in both the United Kingdom and Ireland within the previous twelve months. Bacterial pathogens, flukes and worms resistant to all “chemotheraputic agents” are no longer seen as science fiction, thus rendering all such equipments and treatments totally invalid.
The whole subject of parasitic infection within the human body is not covered in any great detail within the western medical educational curriculum and remains the most undiagnosed condition together with current and long term bodily dehydration or chronic water shortage leading to acidic bodily terrain. When the bodily terrain becomes more acidic the various types of bacterium, flukes etc change their morphology (Pleomorphasise) into differing mutations dependant upon the Acidity / Alkalinity of the ambient Bodily terrain. More information on this topic is available from Christine Thorne. P.O. BOX 33, Carmarthen. SA33 6YE Wales. Tel/Fax 01994 484682. Christine Produces a magazine (Finding the Way)
According to Tomasz “the danger of acquiring hospital-borne bacterial disease, often by antibiotic resistant strains, is not by any means restricted to the terminally ill, although patients with serious underlying diseases ( Chronic dehydration ) are at increased risk for all infections. (See our Cancer Living Water and Bio-energy article.) Infection by air borne or water borne antibiotic resistant bacteria is a clear hazard for hospital patients having any surgical operations or minor procedures. Similarly, premature babies in incubation are also at high risk”.
Through the medium of a very small drop for “live blood analysis” under high magnification it is now possible to see the various bacterial toxic clusters, parasites, flukes, worms and various other organisms, toxins and chemical traces such as mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings etc etc etc. The bodily Alkalinity is a vital factor in maintaining optimum health, and as the famous American Master Herbalist Dr Richard Schultz always repeats everywhere he preaches, “You are what you eat” This is especially relevant in the light of the flood of antibiotics, which have entered the food chain in the last several decades. Cows and other farm animals receive more than thirty times the quantities humans are force fed. These antibiotics together with many other chemicals and fertiliser residues remain in the animals flesh, which people then rush to the supermarket to purchase. The western cancer and heart wards are stuffed full of big meat eaters with toxic overload, again a symptom of chronic dehydration, They are paying the price for their own dietary choices, or was it the advertising industry or your Doctor who told everybody what was good for them to eat. People remain unaware that the milk they are buying from down at the supermarket has over 100 different types and brands of antibiotics already added free by the farmers who blames the system, “and shaken not stirred” down at the dairy, he can only do as they tell him, otherwise they will not buy the milk from him. The Food and Drugs administration within the United States has responded accordingly to this situation over the previous decades by constantly ever increasing what they consider are quantities of antibiotics currently safe for human consumption. For further information upon this truth, which is, key to your healing and recovery, see You are what you eat.
According to the claims of the western medical profession, some of the more threatening multi-drug resistant ( MDR ) “BUGS” which have begun to gain a foothold are MDR Pneuniococcus, MDR Staphylococcus auraus, MDR Enterococcusfaecium and MDR Tuberculosis.
The First Penicillin-resistant pneumococcus was supposedly discovered two years before the U.S. Surgeon General acknowledged its existence. It was reportedly found in Papua, New Guinea. By 1977, an epidemic disease caused by pneumoeoccus was being reported by South African hospitals. The bug had not only become resistant to penicillin but all other antibiotics as well, and an increase in its level of resistance by more than several thousand fold was reported. Since the early 1990s MDR Pneumococcus has demonstrated its ability to spread from one country to another, reaching extremely high levels in locations. The highest incidences are currently in third world countries especially Africa where water borne contamination is also a very high added risk factor. See The Great HIV Hoax
Pneumococcus is the culprit behind outbreaks of pneumonia in various communities worldwide. This bacterium is a major threat to public safety because it can be life threatening to certain ill or elderly patients ( accurate figures are unavailable but it is estimated that well in excess of fifty thousand people in the United States die from exposure to pneumococcus each year), we can see currently what is happening when MDR pneumococcus is implanted into and allowed to spread within targeted vaccinated groups worldwide. It also causes life-threatening infections of the bloodstream and meningitis. See The Pharmaceutical Racket.
Pneumococcus is also the culprit behind nearly half of the visits to paediatricians each year, It is the major “causative agent” of very common middle ear infections ( Otitis Media is a major water borne infection ) in young children worldwide. According to Tomasz, young children under the age of two stand a higher risk of acquiring various diseases, which are originally caused by pneumococcus. He says, “Several day-care centres within the United States were shown to have a particularly high frequency of carriage of multi-drug resistant pneumococcal strains. “The bugs have spread through the day care centres “like a chain letter,” says one reporter. Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause of skin, wound and bloodstream infections found within hospital ward patients. Bio Science Researchers claim one bacterium can leave 16,777,220 offspring within 24 hours. The more a antibiotic is used, the greater the chances that it will kill off the weaker microbes but leave these mutated germs to reproduce. Eventually, these genetically new versions entirely replace the original strains, and the original antibiotic is still consumed but remains totally ineffective.
As antibiotics cause major damage to intestinal flora and our bodies ability to extract nutrition from our daily food intake, I personally recommend home brewing of Kombucha Tea with Living Water. For people currently suffering from antibiotic damage the usual problems with detoxification and repopulation of healthy intestinal flora are best with very easily and economically by taking the responsibility into your own hands and making your own healing beverages. See Kombucha Tea
A increasing number of strains of this pathogen have now become resistant to all commercially available pharmaceutical antibiotics, Vancomycin being the last hope of the pill pushers wonder drugs. However, Enterococcus faecium has already acquired resistance to Vancomycin. In 1992 it had become the third most frequent “causative agent” in relation to hospital-acquired wound and urinary tract infections, septicemia, and endocarditis. So the simple truth is that commercial antibiotics have no power over many types of bacterium, virus, parasite fluke or worm. God help them if they don’t acknowledge this fact now, and start telling the truth for a change.
Many Holistic therapists now point to Doctors and the Pharmaceutical / Banking network for creating the original problem by promoting worldwide indiscriminate and excessive use of pharmaceutical antibiotics without fully investigating or bothering to explain the many contraindications and unacknowledged side effects which these products cause. Antibiotics are specific to bacteria and some types of fungal infections; not viruses, parasites flukes or worms. Doctors should know this and they therefore act irresponsibly when they prescribe pharmaceutical antibiotics for many types of incorrectly diagnosed infestations. For further information covering this whole topic readers are referred to the works of Dr Hulda Clarke.
Books and the latest Zapping technology can be purchased from Health Leads UK. Visit them at
As A ALTERNATIVE TO commercial Antibiotics I recommend Harmonik Colloidal silver which is made with living water and love.
For full information on how to make your own colloidal silver I first recommend reading both Dr Keith Courtney's Colloidal Silver and My own Living water article for the Bigger Picture.

Four Keys to Energizing your Body, Mind & Spirit

Four Keys to Energizing Your Body, Mind & Spirit
A TLC Interview with Master Zhi Gang Sha
by Steve Dahl
For those of us who like to give up control of our health and well being to that bottle of aspirin or the family doctor or for God's sake, the insurance company, the following article is not for you. This article wouldn't fly at the big newspaper down the street because it's got a little too much of that new woo-woo stuff to it. But fortunately, the new woo-woo stuff we're talking about here has been around some 5,000 years.
It seems kind of strange that the pharmaceutical medicine most Americans have come to know, love, and refinance their houses to pay for, has only been around in its current form for a century or so. In fact, many of us are amazed at the complexity of our relatively young health-care system. But does it need to be this complex? Does it need to be this costly? Does it need to be this difficult? Whatever happened to that good old saying from early biblical times that said,
LORD, only say the word, and I shall be healed?
Now that's clear and simple health care!
Healing doesn't need to be that difficult according to Master Zhi Gang Sha, author of the book,
Power Healing.
According to this master of many Eastern disciplines and medical doctor in both Eastern and Western medicine, there are four simple keys to healing and energizing your body, mind, and spirit. This world-renowned health specialist is bringing his unusual healing methods and philosophies to the San Diego area this month. Many of those who have tried his simple blend of self-healing techniques have experienced quite dramatic successes. His entire approach is based on gratitude, cooperation, and openness to the soul of every body part and every element in the universe.
If there was ever going to be a hybrid doctor/metaphysician/spiritual healer that willingly incorporated the best Western and Eastern medicines, Master Sha is as close as it gets. This outgoing, optimistic, charismatic author, speaker and trainer of many healers is finally on the cutting edge of self-healing technologies. It's only taken 5,000-some years to pull it all together but he is a very patient man. We think you will find his thoughts on self-healing, the real meaning of the recent devastating tsunami, and his predictions of our volatile future, quite interesting.
Master Sha's spiritual journey continues to evolve because of his commitment to teaching self-healing. His spiritual and medical path have merged into an adventure of service to all those interested in taking control of their total health. His ability to help people uncover the power to heal everything from skin conditions to past Karmic blunders has attracted a worldwide following. Master Sha has received invitations to present his healing and spiritual teachings across the United States and Canada, including the Omega Institute (New York and Texas), Grace Cathedral (San Francisco), First Unity Church (Tampa), Aspen Center for Integrative Health (Aspen), Agape International Spiritual Center (Los Angeles), Esalen Institute (California), and the UNSRC Society for Enlightenment and Transformation (New York). He has spoken regularly at the Learning Annex, Whole Life Expo, New Living Expo and the World Congress on Qi Gong. Master Sha's Power Healing system was recently featured in a PBS documentary, Power Healing with Master Sha . In recognition of his achievements, Master Sha was named Qi Gong Master of the Year at the 5th World Congress on Qi Gong.
As a master of many Eastern disciplines including Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, and Feng Shui, as well as a medical doctor in both Eastern and Western medicine, what has driven you to become a teacher, a speaker, and a healer?
Master Sha: After graduating from medical school in Western medicine, I went to the hospital and saw so many chronic-pain conditions and life-threatening conditions in which Western medicine appears to have a limitation. Western medicine is great, but for chronic conditions it does not offer enough solutions. Chinese medicine has a 5,000-year history of dealing with chronic conditions and with greater results. I've always been interested in Chinese medicine. I did Tai Chi at age six, I did Qi Gong at ten, and I studied the I Ching and Feng Shui and traditional Chinese medicine before studying Western medicine.
After finishing my Western medicine education, I went back to study several more years of Chinese traditional medicine, as well as energy and spiritual healing. I studied Zhi Neng medicine under Dr. Zhi Chen Guo ( Zhi Neng means “intelligence and capabilities of the mind”) and learned how to bring all of the wisdom of Chinese and Western medicines together to create a Power Healing system. Millions of people who suffer from chronic pain and life-threatening conditions are dealing with emotional imbalance. People need to learn about self healing, soul healing. That's why I'm devoted to being a teacher. I am teaching people to learn healing on their physical journey and their spiritual journey.
In your book, Power Healing, there are what appear to be miracles taking place in people using your techniques. Is it possible for people to read this book and heal themselves regardless of their prior knowledge or experience in healing?
Yes. I would say Power Healing is a breakthrough self-healing system. What I want Power Healing to do is to create a self-healing movement. Power Healing states that sickness is caused by energy and spiritual blockages. We need to get rid of energy and spiritual blockages. For that I give four practical techniques. They are Body Power, Sound Power, Mind Power, and Soul Power. These techniques are very simple, practical, and they work! This system is based on cellular vibration, energy movement and the purification of the soul. That's why it works on the physical body, mental body, emotional body, and the spiritual body. It's very easy and people can do it for themselves regardless of their condition.
Tell us a little about each of these four self-healing techniques.
Body Power
Body Power includes special hand and body positions to remove blockages by opening up your energy and communication channels. Body Power techniques help you gain power and energy in your internal organs. They help to increase the effectiveness of your immune system to prevent illness. They help to open up your own Message Center in order to allow you to talk directly with your mind, the organs, the cells in your body, God and your Heaven team. The Heaven Team is your own group of spiritual teachers, guides, angels, masters, saints, ancestors and everyone else in the spiritual world who loves you.
Sound Power
Sound Power is the use of healing mantras to stimulate cellular vibration for healing. Each mantra has its own message. Some mantras have a special message for healing, developing energy, or opening the Third Eye. Every mantra vibrates different parts of the body and carries special energy. This allows it be used for healing, blessing, protecting, and improving the health of your cells, organs, body, mind, and soul. This process can improve the cellular condition of your body, increase your healing power, clean your karma, and help to balance yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Mind Power
Mind Power is mind over matter. It applies creative visualization to remove energy blockages for healing. Brain researchers know that we have around fifteen billion brain cells and that we only use about 10 percent of them. This technique allows us to awaken and develop the potential power of these dormant cells which can assist us in learning to self-heal.
Soul Power
Soul Power is used to request the soul of the body, the systems, cells, DNA, and RNA to heal themselves. I believe, from 5,000 years of spiritual teachings, that everything has a soul. Every system has a soul. Every organ has a soul. And we can communicate with the souls of organs and systems to request that they heal themselves. That is the secret of the soul healing. I suggest we say "Hello" to the soul of the organ or system. I communicate with the organs to say "I love you" to its soul. We must learn to say "Love, heal, and thank you." It's also important to say "Hello" to the universe, the souls in the universe, the spiritual leaders that you recognize. By communicating with our souls we create self-healing opportunities. And always say "thank you, thank you, thank you."
Are these healing skills to be used mostly for major ailments such as cancer, arthritis, or back pain or can they be used simply to reduce stress or eliminate sleeping problems?
These techniques work for healing any ailment. The book Power Healing shows people how to use the techniques of self-healing in order to sleep well, to remove energy blockages, to reduce stress. Chronic conditions are caused by blockages of energy that can be corrected. For example we show people in the book how to balance the kidney and the heart energy in order to sleep well. It's all about removing blockages and freeing up energy.
You've studied these healing modalities for forty some years, is it possible for someone to pick up your book and learn these self-healing techniques in a fairly short amount of time?
Yes. It's very simple. The four keys to Power Healing will give you the power to improve your health, your habits, and your life. Whether you use them in conjunction with any and all conventional medical practices or alternative health methods or on their own, they will help you strengthen your relationship with your own health. Through this connection you will come to know and love the healer inside of you, the healer within. These techniques help high-density energy to flow to low-density energy. Once you know how to get this energy moving you will know how to heal.
So many Americans do not take care of themselves as they should. How can this country break this pattern of poor self care?
We need education. That's why I am creating a self-healing movement which includes an East-meets-West approach. We need to educate people to teach them the four keys to Power Healing. We need a lot of media to talk about self-healing to teach people how they can do this for themselves. This self-healing movement was nothing a few years ago but today, alternative health care is worth billions and billions of dollars, so we know it is moving in the right direction.
Some of us are still working on our New Year's resolutions. Can these techniques help me lose weight?
Yes. Thirty years ago, my master, Dr. Zhi Chen Guo was given this divine number in a meditation. It is 3396815. He confirmed the validity of this number with other medical intuitives to know that it is a divinely given mantra. This is part of the Power Healing Sound Power mantra that I will share in my class at the Learning Annex in February. A woman I know repeated this number two times a day for about 15 minutes each time as fast as she could, as a means of losing weight. She lost seven pounds very fast. It is a great mantra for healing and losing weight. Ancient wisdom teaches us that each number has a vibration effect on various parts of the body. The technique of using numbers as mantras has been taught to millions by Master Zhi Chen Guo. Whether it is losing weight, dealing with constipation, or recovering from a heart attack, anyone can learn to use the vibrational power of numbers to increase energy flow and help to remove the blockages that keep us from ideal health.
Are there some people who don't get results from these techniques?
These techniques work for most people but everyone heals at a different rate. Some people respond quickly; some need to be patient. It takes practice but in most cases, chronic conditions are helped with these techniques. The four keys to energizing the body, mind and spirit can be learned by anyone with a willingness to open their mind and their heart.
What role does spirituality play in your mission to teach these healing techniques?
It is my number one mission here. Many people know body-mind connection theory. This mind-over-matter approach is good but not enough. In my personal opinion, soul over matter plus mind over matter is the solution for health, science, for humanity. Soul, mind, and body is the solution. We must heal the soul first, and then the healing of body and mind can follow.
For example, some people suffer from a skin problem called eczema. In order to heal the eczema we must understand that it is connected to the physical and emotional body. It is connected to grief and sadness in the emotional body. But eczema also has a soul. My theory is that in order to heal the eczema we must clear the soul blockage. When we clear the blockage to the soul of the eczema the physical aspect will naturally get better. Again, heal the soul first, and then the body and mind healing will follow.
I teach people to say “Hello” to their body, say “Hello” to the divine, say “Hello” to the spiritual source and many people experience incredible healings because soul hears! Spirituality is a medium for healing. I believe the soul is the real boss of the human being. If people make a decision in their mind that their soul does not agree with, they will find many parts of their life experiencing blockage. The soul and body connection offers so much wisdom for people to learn.
When people see you at the Learning Annex what will they experience?
In addition to learning the four keys to Power Healing, they will learn a new concept called Body Space Medicine. This new medicine is a breakthrough medicine created in China. For example, space theory explains that there are two kinds of space. The smaller space is between our cells and the larger space is between our organs. In order to heal we must clear, clean, and balance the energy in this space. At the cellular level, the transforming of energy is taking place. Energy is going in or out depending on the contracting or expanding of cells or organs. Sickness comes when these are out of balance and there is too much contracting or too much expanding. Our new Body Space Medicine serves to balance this space to allow an even flow of energy. Balance is critical to our health.
Is there anything that people would find surprising about Master Sha?
I am a servant to those who want to learn. I am committed to lead and love people in their healing process. I am working to serve humanity, to help us through this difficult time of Mother Earth. We do a free remote healing every Tuesday and Thursday. You can sign up at our website, I am committed to teaching the soul knowledge to as many as I can.
Why do you always say “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
The first thank you is to thank Divine. Thank the Source, the Universe.
The second thank you is to thank the Buddha's, the Saints, the Indian Gurus, the spiritual masters, your ancestors, everybody. Everybody has their own spiritual system so my teachings honor all of the spiritual assistants and every religion. It doesn't matter what the religion is, they all offer love and light.
The third thank you is to thank your own soul, your own consciousness, your own physical body. Gratitude is vital for healing, for transforming life and soul enlightenment.
What would you like to say to Americans who are so dependent on pharma- ceutical approaches to medicine?
I would like to suggest that you stay open minded to maybe look for a combination of complementary medicine, Eastern medicine, energy healing, spiritual healing to join together for the best solution. When people with chronic pain don't get the solution they desire, they get depressed. I would like to see these people open their minds to other healing modalities. The alternative medicines can provide a means of taking control of your health. For example, if you cut your finger or break a bone or catch a cold, your body will heal. We do know how to heal ourselves. People forget that human beings have a natural healing ability. You and I have the power to heal ourselves and the world.
What other healing issues are facing our world at this time?
The universal energy is changing. An example of this change was the tsunami in Asia and India. The tsunami is symbolic of universal energy change. The tsunami is the beginning of a Mother Earth cleansing process. I would like to see the tsunami as a signal for the universal energy change.
There is bigger change to follow. This is the beginning. There will be more changes in different parts of the world. People have to realize they have their own healing power, especially the soul power. You do not have to walk one step to find the Divine. It's important to open your mind, open your soul and communicate with the Divine, communicate with the Universe, communicate with the soul, mind, and body of yourself. Learn the self-help techniques and cooperate with all the healing modalities including the medical professionals. We work together to offer better health for you and your loved ones and to the universe. Things are beginning to happen like the tsunami.
We should be prepared but not panicked. Be prepared. Offer love, light, and world peace to help human beings and Mother Earth to pass these difficulties sooner.
Master Sha provides free remote-healing classes to anyone who signs up for his free Tuesday and Thursday teleclasses. Sign up at his website at
Steve Dahl is a business strategist and freelance writer in Carlsbad. He can be reached at: or