Monday, March 20, 2006
Using your intuition for Medical Issues
An Interview With Dr. Judith Orloff
Earlier this morning I was scheduled to bring my car to the mechanic for an oil change. I asked my mechanic just to look the car over, because soon I would be driving several hundred miles alone and I wanted to be sure the car was in sound condition.
Tuning into the car before I dropped it off, my own intuition told me that the car was fine, but that my bill from the mechanic would be $80.00. This confused me because an oil change only costs about $25.00. I tuned into the car again, and could find the car only in good condition with nothing to worry about. I dropped the car off at the mechanic and went on to interview Dr. Judith Orloff today.
Intuition can be used for a variety of reasons -- as you can gather from above I use it for a variety of reasons. But just as you can "tune into" your own car; you can tune into your own physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health. This ability is at your fingertips!
While an intuitive will often give a reading that discusses your entire life at length, a medical intuitive will discuss your current state of health and wellness. A medical intuitive will tune in to see your organs and other systems of your body to note the function of each system and note for any imbalance. They may also discuss your past medical history with you and issues that may be developing in the future for you. Medical intuition is becoming more well used and intuitives are even working with physicians to help patients. Learning to trust your own intuitive voice for medical issues can be a very valuable ally to have in any healthcare circumstance - from selecting the right doctor, to taking medication, to switching your diet or listening to a new symptom that just won't go away.
Dr. Judith Orloff is a well-known medical intuitive, psychiatrist and a third-generation intuitive. She is the author of two books, Second Sight and Dr. Judith Orloff's Guide to Intuitive Healing. She currently sees patients in private practice, teaching them to use their intuition and teaches workshops and lectures.
Dr. Orloff is confident that anyone can learn how to use their intuition to tune into their medical concerns. But how can you be sure that what you see is not your own anxiety, or an emotional reaction? "I deal with this issue every single day. I encourage people to listen to sounds, and their impressions, to pay attention to their dreams. What I do is I use a five step process [see end of article] that is outlined in my "Guide" book and I teach my patients and students to learn to listen to what is accurate and what is off, starting with what an intuitive yes and an intuitive no feel like for them," said Orloff. "Being neutral is when the information comes through. There is a sense of clarity when the information does come through and there is no debate when there is a true intuitive yes, and I will go over this process with my patients, reminding them of the actual time that they tuned into this information and they see and agree that this did feel neutral and that there was clarity around this information," said Orloff. "Being neutral is when the information comes through, there is no debate when it does. Patients and students also realize that at that moment when the information does come through - there is no emotion - it is simply information that is given to them."
Dr. Orloff believes anyone can learn to tune into their intuition for this, that it is a simple matter of learning a new skill. "I teach everyone I work with how to do this, it is a matter of training," said Dr. Orloff. "I teach people to remember their dreams and I have people remember that their body speaks to them with its own language; listen to pain and what is it saying to you?"
To develop your intuition for medical purposes, you may need to develop your understanding of how the body works. Orloff encourages students to purchase Gray's Anatomy book. "Another important factor is truly living in your body. Understand where your organs and other systems are. I've been lucky as a doctor to have touched a heart and attended surgery, many people simply do not think about their insides. If you want to tune into your insides, you need to know where they are and what they do," said Orloff. She also suggests doing a meditation on different organs and ask if each organ has something to say to you. "Do an energy exploration with your hands and feel the energy between them," said Orloff. "Practice with a friend and practice feeling their energy on their body and let them practice on you."
Orloff's spiritual practice consists of daily meditation and she encourages beginning students to start with only a three minute meditation. "To ask for inner guidance, you need to let yourself get quiet. Develop a sacred space at home and learn to sense the stillness. Getting out of your mind is important and meditation is an excellent way to do this," said Orloff. "I encourage people to start very slow so that they can get used to how it feels." She also encourages those that travel frequently to not pass up the opportunity to meditate even in bathrooms or conference rooms, wherever you can find that privacy. "Anywhere you can grab that - you need that connection to energy and tuning into it, especially if you travel," said Orloff. "Longer meditations will place you in that energy strongly and connect you with spirit. Trust your own sense of timing."
"As a child I predicted all sorts of negative things," said Orloff. She encourages people to look at the lessons of their childhoods. "My parents refused to let me predict things and finally I just rejected my abilities. As a teenager I got very involved in drugs in the 60's," said Orloff. "In the beginning as an intuitive you may pick up negative things because they have a louder signal and positive information may be harder to hear. So people need to know things like this as they develop. They will pick up all kinds of wonderful and spiritual and uplifting information as well, but they may hear negative information in the beginning, and not to be afraid."
She continues, "Also people should not be scared and not think that they have the power, they often feel that I am able to do something that they can't and I am constantly mirroring this back to them," said Orloff. She admits she was born with an ability, but she reminds us that she saw patients as a practicing doctor for twenty years. "People need to remember that practice is very important and when they do, and they act with this in mind, they will see all these things will start to happen," said Orloff. She believes that at times the training for a true medical intuitive begins when someone is very young. "Most will experience things that they just don't know how to interpret and they will be confused. Sometimes Spirit teaches you, you get lessons early on because intuitively you are open." Orloff has seen many that have been intuitively traumatized. "They shut off, and part of my true work is helping people through their fear because fear can stop everything," said Orloff "People aren't used to thinking of themselves as powerful but they are and they have to do this also."
Orloff's next book will be released in Spring of 2004 and is called Positive Energy, published by Harmony Books. "To me, energy is the most sacred thing we are. It is who we are before we manifest into a body and it is what we are when we leave," said Orloff.
For more information about Dr. Judith Orloff, please visit her website:
Intuition can be a powerful healing tool and a powerful tool for guidance of many types. At the end of the day, I picked my car up to discover that my registration had lapsed and the mechanic did the inspection for me. The bill came to $80.38.
The Five Steps For Intuitive Healing
(reprinted from The Guide
with permission from Dr. Judith Orloff)
Step 1.
Notice Your Beliefs
Your beliefs set the tone for healing. Positive attitudes accentuate growth, negative attitudes impair it. Honesty is required to flush out counterproductive perceptions so ingrained you may not realize how pernicious they are. If we examine our beliefs, we won't be subject to subterranean undermining influences. Our beliefs trigger biochemical responses. No organ system stands apart from our thoughts. What you believe - what you really believe - programs your neurochemcials. I'm not suggesting that you be Pollyannaish or put on a happy face to please, but that you be absolutely true to yourself. This will liberate you from unconscious impulses that impede your healing.
Step 2.
Be In Your Body
Your body is a richly nuance intuitive receiver. You must be in it completely to heal. This may require some adjustments. We're trained to function from the neck up, denying the rest of our bodies. I want you to reorient yourself, to respect the intellect but delight in your physicality as well. Being aware of the sensuousness of the body can open intuition. This may mean noticing the early signs of pain so you can act on them, trusting your gut about relationships, or awakening your sexuality. We can't afford to ignore such life-informing signals. Being attuned to your body is a treasure.
Step 3.
Sense Your Body's Subtle Energy
Tapping into your body's subtle energy can heal. From an intuitive standpoint we are all composed of vibrantly colored energy fields (whose centers are called chakras) that emanate from us. These can be sensed. They contain truths about our physical, emotional, and sexual needs. Energy has different manifestations, from erotic to psychic. Invisible to most people, it can be sensed with intuition. To heal you must first learn to identify energy. Then you can direct it to specific parts of the body. Feeling energy can be very sensual. I assure you, it won't be all work!
Step 4.
Ask For Inner Guidance
A range of answers lies within you. To access them, I'll focus on two intuitive techniques: meditation and remote viewing. Meditation is a state of quite that amplifies the intuition. It is the foundation of my spiritual practice. In practical terms meditation lowers blood pressure, relieves stress, can help reverse heart disease, even retard aging.
The method I'll show you is to focus consciously on your breath, to contact a soundless inner pulse. This is your intuitive corse. Your breath will take you there. Once you're accustomed to the quiet, you can use remote viewing, an intuitive technique to move both time and space. It enables you to tune in to the past, present and future, or to visualize a person, place or situation even at a great distance. With this knowledge you can help diagnose illness by picturing the body's organs, predict proper treatment, appraise current therapies -- all mandatory when conventional medicine seems unable to find a cure. Remote viewing also reveals emotional and sexual blocks; it can even let you check out someone before you get involved. All this is possible: College students have been taught basic remote viewing in a few sessions.
Step 5.
Listen To Your Dreams
Intuition is the language of dreams. We speak it every night, during the REM state, the phase of sleep when our brain waves impart secret healing formulas. This mystic symbology - images, messages, scenarios - has rules different from those in our waking life. A dream's tone can be as restorative as its content; the nonverbal often presides. Also in dreams revelations about illness and relationships are conveyed. Dreams do heal, but first you must retrieve them. During sleep we experience a kind of amnesia. To the intellect dreams are alien, language that does not compute. Dreams cannot be captured by the rational mind alone; intuitive memory is needed. As you learn how to remember and interpret dreams, you'll be able to draw on this form of healing.